Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas woooow again!!!

Its about that time again giving gifts being with family and enjoyng life during the holidays...

My Christmas to basically been the same the past few years...I really don't give gifts and I don't expect to get any as well...Not to sound like a Grinch but Christmas is not the same anymore...Maybe when we were kids this was the most exciting part of the year!!!! But its kool

Christmas is OK for the most part... Relaxing with family and just looking at the bright side of things..My Christmas gift was me finally getting the job that pay decent money... I finally took the urine test to work for AT&T and did good on the face to face interview so they offered me the position and to continue the employment process...So I have done all the necessary things to get the position so I am just waiting on the phone call!!!! SO I have been praying for this blessing for awhile and ready to work!!!! So hopefully soon I will be at the job gettin it!! LOL....But that was my Christmas gift and the new year is looking in my favor to get out of this BIG WHOLE I'm in right now....But its cool life is a big test either you past or you fail!!!! Like I always say...My life is being tested by the day and its up to me to pass the test.....

Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

Till Next Time

Love Live Life


achoiceofweapons said...

Merry Christmas and I hope you get the job too.

Sandra said...

thanks!!! same to you....