Today was such a refreshing day... I woke up with the family, we had breakfast thanks to my sisters hubbie....LOL... It was good Chris....But we got dressed for church and off we went...Service was good. He (Pastor Torrey Phillips) spoke about FAITH... And in order for things to become true of what you dream of...You must have Faith.... Faith is what makes your life such a greater life than it is if you just have Faith!!! He also stated that you don't wanna stay on the same level you are in, your life faith is what gets you to your higher GOD!!! And yes indeed I have accepted the FAITH and doors have opened and its up to me to keep up the faith to succeed in LIFE.... So I say to everybody FAITH is the way and always remember GOD always has your back even if you cant SEE IT!!!!
I also posted pics of me and niece playing around with the camera, my sister and my baby niece as
Till Next Time
Love live Life....
Looking SEXY going to praise the LORD!!!!!
Thats whats up Sandra! There is no other way to make it through these hard times unless u have faith!
thats right hun!!! faith is our key!!
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