Have you ever been just scared of how your love life will end up...For years I have always admired the relationships that my friends have that LAST...lol just cause I feel like I have this 2 year curse!!! Like before I just went plain ole single for about 3 and half years now...I was in a serious relationship and we lived together but it only lasted for 2 years...And 2 years before that I was in relationship and it didn't last...So I woke up this morning just wondering when the hell will I have a man when I'm 30 LOL....But I don't wanna rush it but when you think your on a hiatus of the breaking point of what you want they seem to change your mind about things...Ever thought you were in love with your friend?? Well sometimes I am afraid and scared to love him because all he will do is hurt me...I know allot about him and sometimes hearing the conversations he may have with others...is heart breaking because he talks a good game about not really talking to anyone like that...But for you to tell ya "home girl" I love you....more than once!!! Its fishy to me...I understand we tell our friends I love you and shit like that but shit I'm questioning that because the person he is telling it to is a female that is IN LOVE with him!!! So mmmm I wonder...But I wake up so angry at times because I'm fed up with trying with guys...I try hard to be that woman every man wants but I cant force it...I guess I don't need him in my life and maybe let others in and enjoy what a real man is about...A real man and a man that's ALLL mine I don't have to doubt that he is mine!!! But I guess it is what it is...I just haven't been in anything serious in awhile...things kinda get scary and lonely...you call other guys to try and see if they are the one but you get the cold shoulder from them...But you cant get mad cause he ain't ya man either....I don't kno...I think I am getting mixed signals from allot of people...and maybe its time for me to back away and see if they will draw into me..lol well see if I exist....
Till Next Time......
Love Live Life.....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
So today one of my best friends hits me up and tells me she is down because one her friends offended her regarding her relationship... See I am the type of friend as much as I dislike the guy you are with I will not tell you because I want you to experience and learn for yourself....I mean I will tell you my opinion but its up to you if you choose to proceed with the relation ship or not... So I pasted the email from her SO CALLED FRIEND to the blog, the reply was from my bff saying "Tay I'm tired of all of this with Daniel" and then she replied below...Let me know your view on how you would give advice to your friend who knows damn well he his no good for her!!!....
"You can not make him grow up. You can not make him love you. You can not make him change his ways. He has to WANT TO and obviously he does not want to. You look at it as your "LONGEST RELATIONSHIP" where as other people like myself might look at it as the "Longest Waste of Time". One year of that so called relationship didn't mean squat because half of that ONE year he was in a some what committed relationship with someone else. to me and anyone else, this situation is a no brainer, that's why I believe you seek attention. If you KNOW how he is and you KNOW you can do better, why do you constantly come to your friends complaining about what Daniel did or said to hurt you. How long do you think people are going to keep coming to your aide?? As much as I love you and I wanna be there for you I must admit I am burnt out with you and all of your Daniel foolishness. I guess that's why I find your situation humorous. That may hurt your feelings to hear something like that but it shouldn't bother you cause you are obviously a gluten for emotional pain."
I'm still PIST about this email... Because Lauren my bff is so sweet and she is just learning how to love someone and she is so naive when it comes down to who her real friend are....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life!!!
"You can not make him grow up. You can not make him love you. You can not make him change his ways. He has to WANT TO and obviously he does not want to. You look at it as your "LONGEST RELATIONSHIP" where as other people like myself might look at it as the "Longest Waste of Time". One year of that so called relationship didn't mean squat because half of that ONE year he was in a some what committed relationship with someone else. to me and anyone else, this situation is a no brainer, that's why I believe you seek attention. If you KNOW how he is and you KNOW you can do better, why do you constantly come to your friends complaining about what Daniel did or said to hurt you. How long do you think people are going to keep coming to your aide?? As much as I love you and I wanna be there for you I must admit I am burnt out with you and all of your Daniel foolishness. I guess that's why I find your situation humorous. That may hurt your feelings to hear something like that but it shouldn't bother you cause you are obviously a gluten for emotional pain."
I'm still PIST about this email... Because Lauren my bff is so sweet and she is just learning how to love someone and she is so naive when it comes down to who her real friend are....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Today was such a refreshing day... I woke up with the family, we had breakfast thanks to my sisters hubbie....LOL... It was good Chris....But we got dressed for church and off we went...Service was good. He (Pastor Torrey Phillips) spoke about FAITH... And in order for things to become true of what you dream of...You must have Faith.... Faith is what makes your life such a greater life than it is if you just have Faith!!! He also stated that you don't wanna stay on the same level you are in, your life faith is what gets you to your higher GOD!!! And yes indeed I have accepted the FAITH and doors have opened and its up to me to keep up the faith to succeed in LIFE.... So I say to everybody FAITH is the way and always remember GOD always has your back even if you cant SEE IT!!!!
I also posted pics of me and niece playing around with the camera, my sister and my baby niece as well...lol
Till Next Time
Love live Life....
Friday, January 23, 2009
Feeling Good
Always on time!!! Thank god!!! I start FEB 2!!! And yes its been confirmed!!! AT&T has finally finished the process and ready to go on Monday in Feb... I'm so happy and finally given a chance to show how much of a great worker I am!!! I always had issues with missing days and shit but otherwise the work was always "well done Sandra" but when it came to attendance..."Sandra you need to improve".... So allot is going to change starting this job...number one I will be working at night from 3PM-11PM at night so no partying for me unless I'm off!!! I will try and see if I can switch to another shift when I get there but for now..I'm happy with the night shift..well its only for 8wks anyway..Training!!! but I am so excited and tanking GOD at the same time... He has been giving and showing me allot of signs and I know what I need to do and what I gotta to do to KEEP this job and become successful at it... Most people know one of my resolutions is to make a qtr mill!!! I'm serious if you ain't bout money then we ain't got shit to talk about....Ya dig!!!... Shout out to all who have prayed for me and always has my back when I am down and out Love ya Lots....
Till Next Time....
Love Live Life......
Till Next Time....
Love Live Life......
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I been on some on other ish.....

Well I been missing for awhile just cause i been doing alot of things... Trying to get a job, going to school and trying to graduatre, trying to get my living situations better...on and on but things are ok God could have given me worst but Im thankful...So I been on the job looking thing heavy so hoepfully something falls through and Im goood!!!! I been in a stable state of mind so I been thinking of positve things... But in the meantime Homecoming is coming up for my school and Im not sure what the HELL to wear because in Florida one minutes its HOT as hell... and then its COLD as hell...well to me I can't stand the winter time Im a summer chick!! LOL..... But Ive been looking in a few places for shoes first tell me what you think??
Till Next Time......
Love Live Life......
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Well I don't have any pics from the club the other night...sigh...but its kool I had fun...I wore a nice cream sweater and black skinny jeans, and my Jessica Simpson's heals.... I was cute and simple... So me and the girls head to cafe iguana's....It was ok except I felt like all the fat niggaz were out...LOL.... But I finally saw some EYE candy...LOL so I somehow get caught in a crowd rush and end up next to someone that was EYE candy.... So he asks me if I was OK because I damn there knocked him down...LOL... So he then says mama I like ya style and I wanna see you out of the club... I normally wouldn't exchange numbers but hey what the hell....So his name is Jacarie he is really cute, about 5'10, 27, NO KIDS...DAMN NO KIDS.... I had to say that again...LOL got his own crib, travels allot....whoa I cant keep up with this guy....But he seems interesting and just wanna see what the real deal is...You know once the BULLSHIT dies out....LOL
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life......
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life......
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Can finally feel you nearly hear and then you DISAPPEAR!!!


Ever wonder why you feel like you are getting so close to something you want but yet the thing that you want just fucks it up and changes your mind!!! Or maybe its just me LOL.... But seriously I always wanted things to go in a way that made this year special but I cant force it I gotta let it ride or at least until something falls through... You go back and forth with someone and then things just blow up and then you hate them!!! why is that feeling...I don't know but I'm starting to just get that I don't give a fuck attitude again and allot of folks gotta stand CLEAR!!!!!!!!! LOL...But I just get sick of things just not being what you may have spoke about or even came to an agreement about.....Things just like the same shit...nothing new to the table...nothing that makes you look forward to another day....nothing that makes you smile anymore.....nothing that makes you want it anymore whoooaaaa!!! did I say that.....ugh but I just feel like I'm repeating this and I hate replays..... Replays just make you say to yourself like "damn why did I just fall for this shit again"!@!!!!! But on the other hand its kool you live and you learn and that's what life is about!!! so I'm going out with my BESTIE!!! to the club tonight and plan on having lots of fun with her and the girls...will have pics!! But I need this and I plan on getting fucked up!!!! LMFAO!!!!!
Till Next Time......
Love Live Life......
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Busy Busy Busy Me....

Sorry folks been doing so much lately for school and getting working situations taken care of... planning friends birthday get together's while doing a whole lot of other SHIT!!! LOL... But everything is kool just been taken care of business and staying positive!!! because yet another job slip through my figures again... Sooo I get a chance to get a job at my school Flomo (Florida Memorial University)...lol.... But yea in the admissions office, doing some data entry work.....So I basically had the job up until the interview...ugh.... So I speak with the woman conducting the interview (Mrs. Martin) she asked me a few questions, laughed joked, she really liked me!!! so then the big question... Are you currently in school this semester I stated "yes I am" she then stated THATS A PROBLEM!! WTF!!!!! so she then tells me that its a conflict... because I don't know if anybody knew but a couple of years ago my school had a whole BIG grade scandal and it was based on students who worked for the school ended up having access to everything and changed grades for random people foe money or whatever.... So I was like FUCK!!! damn hooligans done fucked it up for me!!!lol but its kool not sweating it something will come up.... Oh yeah got some mobile pics just cause I was bored as hell that day!!!LOL
Till Next Time......
Love Live Life.....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Whoa Kemosabie big ballin is my hobbie!!! LOL!!!

Sooooo today was such a crazy one but well worth the craziness!!!LOL I head out to the school to get yet another form to take the GK General Knowledge Exam... So I run into one of my homies that always has something in store for me...LOL But I get there and he's like yoo remember I told you I can get you a Job here at the school... So I was like that's whats up!!!
I talk to the HR which was a girl I knew LOL... what a small world.. So she is like I can get u in like today....Soo I'm like shit I just may take the offer because I need something and AT&T is playin!!! smh... so I am waiting on a phone call from her to let me know when I start.... SO thetas live pay is good and I'm like, I'm ready...LOL but today was cool and allot accomplished!!! This is the Life....Huh 2009 stay on shit...either you move forward or you fall behind with all the rest of the slackers!!! Lets get get get IIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!
Till Next Time ......
Love Live Life......
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ha ha that shit is funny!!! LMFAO!!!
Things just seem to get funnier and funnier!!!
Stay tuned to how funny people are...Are you a funny ass character or what....
Many say whoa but I'm saying woooow....So what do you say it is what it is hey I been saying it whats new...Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!!
I'm 26 and I always been real bought mine!!! Some say I'm too much I guess maybe I am....Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!! Keep it funky fresh with ya girl maybe some aren't strong enough to understand me..... Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!!
Too bold and arrogant some say....Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!! That's why you always hear that saying....I came into the world by myself and Ima die by myself!!!! Ha ha ha that shit funny!!! I'm a beast this year and some cant take it. I need the seasonal people to back back and the real ones to stand strong..... Either you love me or you hate me...And I really do think people just hate or dislike me for all the wrong reasons but guess what.... HA HA HA THAT SHIT IS FUNNY!!!!!!
Offended well sorry for ya don't take it personal but its just that the world is a funny place with all the damn people in it lol....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life......
Stay tuned to how funny people are...Are you a funny ass character or what....
Many say whoa but I'm saying woooow....So what do you say it is what it is hey I been saying it whats new...Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!!
I'm 26 and I always been real bought mine!!! Some say I'm too much I guess maybe I am....Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!! Keep it funky fresh with ya girl maybe some aren't strong enough to understand me..... Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!!
Too bold and arrogant some say....Ha ha ha that shit is funny!!!! That's why you always hear that saying....I came into the world by myself and Ima die by myself!!!! Ha ha ha that shit funny!!! I'm a beast this year and some cant take it. I need the seasonal people to back back and the real ones to stand strong..... Either you love me or you hate me...And I really do think people just hate or dislike me for all the wrong reasons but guess what.... HA HA HA THAT SHIT IS FUNNY!!!!!!
Offended well sorry for ya don't take it personal but its just that the world is a funny place with all the damn people in it lol....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life......

Well I normally blog everyday or every other day...But I kinda been bummed out but staying positive is one of my resolutions so I'm looking on the bright side of things....So Saturday I went out to Spirits Night Club at the Hard Rock Casino to celebrate me getting a job...The club might I add was boring at times but could have had way more fun...ugh.....But my nightcap LOL is what turned the night AROUND!! But it was well needed...But Sunday came and I just prepared myself to get ready for WORK!!!! So I get there Monday morning with my ice coffee in hand cause it always gets me going...So I get there its hella people outside so I was like damn this position is serious!!! So I show the lady my ID and she said I'm not on the list just hold on I will see whats going on...smh So I was cool because I wasn't the only one who was not on the list...
So a lady comes out saying "I got the list 10pm on Sunday and some new names were added at the last minute so let everyone in".... In my head I said Yes OK must be a mistake......So we all get visitor passes and told where to park and where the training class will take place.... We all go in and someone has a list and call out names and what row to sit in...THEY STILL DIDN'T CALL MY FUCKING NAME!!!! WTF....So at this point I'm worried but the woman that was their told me to let her make a phone call and ask me who told me to come in today?? I told her Fernando, she proceeded using the phone to find out what was going on... She then noticed others in the room were also not on the list... So I sit down to proceed like everybody else who was there by giving copies of our Id's and social....When time boils down and information about the job is given.... The lady gets a call and says... I'm not hired yet and nor is this other girl!!!! WTF so she stated we needed to call the recruiter to find out what happened.... So I call over and find out that all of my background information was NOT submitted on time enough to start the training class on MONDAY....SMH!!!! So the lady told me what they needed and that I can start FEB 1ST!!!!! so I was like thank you Jesus!!! So with me staying positive a positive thing happened!!! So I proceeded with my day and just thanked GOD because I know he had my back and gave me a chance to still get a chance at the position....
So I say to all my bloggers stay positive at ALL times and see what happens when you thought that the worst couldn't get any tougher...look up the SECRET its a really good video about how speaking things into existence and stating positive gets you what you want in life...But hey I'm a living testimony so its up to you if you believe....
Till Next Time...
Love Live Life!!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Yes Sir!!!!
Yes everybody I start work on MONDAY @ AT&T!!! Hell yeah...
New year, new job...damn right!!!! I cant wait, cant wait!!!!!
Blessing comes in so many different ways and this was one that I NEEDED!!!
People just dont understand the beast is about to unleash being that I have a JOB...
Im like lil wayne right now...
Ride Round City With Some Brand New Heat, Brand New Car, Brand New Feet, Brand New Seats, Brand New Smell, Put Out The Roach And Light Brand New L....Fuck You Bitch Im Acting Brand New, Fuck You Bitch My Shirt Brand New, Fuck You Bitch My Shoes Brand New, Fuck You Bitch Im Acting Brand New!!!.... LOL.....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life...
New year, new job...damn right!!!! I cant wait, cant wait!!!!!
Blessing comes in so many different ways and this was one that I NEEDED!!!
People just dont understand the beast is about to unleash being that I have a JOB...
Im like lil wayne right now...
Ride Round City With Some Brand New Heat, Brand New Car, Brand New Feet, Brand New Seats, Brand New Smell, Put Out The Roach And Light Brand New L....Fuck You Bitch Im Acting Brand New, Fuck You Bitch My Shirt Brand New, Fuck You Bitch My Shoes Brand New, Fuck You Bitch Im Acting Brand New!!!.... LOL.....
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life...
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