Sooooo I have been wondering why guys without the title still cant tell the truth!!! Damn!!! why the fuck is it so hard to tell the truth!!! You guys who wants women to be all about you but yet every time you bring up something its naw we ain't nothing....yeah right!!! So I am stuck on this dilemma because some say I play games... I play the same game guys play.. I'm tired of being played for a fool...shit gotta change... so I was listening to the famous John Basden..I think I spelled his name right lol... But he was talking about why do people in relationships continue to lie about things or marriages... So this lady called in and said she was married for about 10 or 13 years or so and her husband was on the down low for about 6 years with someone else...DAMN!!! and then this other lady called in and said she was married for 27 years and her husband just up and left THE COUNTRY!!! Did not tell her ANYTHING NOTHING JUST LEFT!!!! WTF!!!! I'm starting not to even want to get married...smh!!! But besides that I have been chilling and working my butt off so I move in on APRIL 1ST!!!! Hell yea look for pics of the finishing touches...Gotta paint this weekend get a few things for now and I will be in MY OWN SHIT!!!! But I miss blogging just be too damn tired and aggravated from work..damn I don't miss call center work...LOL...Until next time....
Love Live Life.......
Monday, February 23, 2009
Good Morning America!!!!
Well I'm up having my usual morning joint taking in the week that's about to unravel...So I been thinking about allot lately just because people are funny or shall I say interesting.... So I wake up to a text this morning saying "San can you put $20 or $30 in my acct today".... So immediately I'M pisted because every since I got this new job everybody think I got bread to give away!!! Damn I got shit I do have to take care of, I am still without a car and a home...So you tell me where to I have money to waste on other peoples mistakes...Now I don't mind giving my friends cash or whatever but all weekend I have gotten the same text but not from one person, several of my friends....Maybe I should have never stated how much I get paid....DAMN BIG ASS MISTAKE!!!!! So besides that I go to work at 3:30pm and gotta a test on the material...So gotta go quiz myself before work because I gotta get "A" in whatever I do!!!! Ya dig!!!! So see ya lata.....
Till Next Time....
Love Live Life.....
Till Next Time....
Love Live Life.....
Monday, February 16, 2009

So allot has happened since the last time I blogged...So lets begin lol.....
The after party for the concert and step show...(Iguana's)
So homecoming turned out not so bad after all...I saw allot of old and new friends!! it was kool seeing everybody laughing and having fun....I really needed this just because I haven't been out in awhile...I also was messing up the fish that my homie Peanut made big ups to him he can really cook!!! I guess that's why I missed the game too busy eating!! LOL!!!! But the night was good!! on the blog. So I was really vibin and wanted to hit the club but that didn't happen because people got missing....LOL but it was kool just went to the crib and chilled....
So besides that I been working at AT&T now for about a month now time is going but hey its good!!! But I will be blogging more often just been in my zone....trying to get things in order and trying to get a crib you I gotta stay focused and on the PRIZE!!!!...
Till Next Time....
Love live life.......
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Busy B......

So I been working and getting that CHECK for real!!! So I finally am an AT&T worker!!! So I have been blessed with a JOB...As you all may know I was out of a job for about 4 months and I originally applied for AT&T awhile ago and they told me to start in January but things happened and wasn't able to start until Feb 2, 2009!!! So I finally get my foot and the door and now in training for the next 8 wks so I really be tired and sleepy after work so I will get to blogging when ever I get a chance...But everything is getting lined up and I about to explode...I wrote a blog before stating Ima BEAST out here!!! I still am and I about to be ob POINT like an arrow...No one can stop me from doing me and getting where I need to be...Life is good!!! GOD is good!!!!!!
Till Next Time.....
Love Live Life......
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